Wildlife Rescue Center

Conceptual Web Redesign
Project Overview
This project was done as part of my UX/UI Certification from the University of Utah. One of our team members has a connection with someone in the Wildlife Rescue Center, so we explored their website and talked with them to learn they needed an information architecture overhaul, a design update, and a responsive web design for better mobile access.
My Contributions
I was involved in creating the proto persona, affinity diagram, card sort, and user testing. I designed the 'Found an Animal' carousel, the events cards, the footer, and the tablet design.
Front page of the Missouri Wildlife Rescue Center on a laptop
Volunteer screen of Wildlife Rescue Center on a tablet
Our proto-persona, Jordan Hansen, is an environmentally-minded student who lives in an area where she comes into contact with wildlife often. We wanted to focus on adults who are environmentally minded and would come across wildlife often.

The second image, our Affinity Diagram, showed us that key areas to address are the color scheme, the navigation, the “I Found An Animal” section, animal rehabilitation, wildlife education, and donation options. Notes from stakeholders are recorded in green and responses from user interviews in all other colors.

The final image is of the card sort, where we decided what the new navigation and information architecture would be.
Define and Empathize
Early stages of design

Jordan Hansen is an environmentally-minded student who wants easily accessible information about local wildlife.Cards describe user feedback in user interviewsA card sort separating various requirements of the Wildlife Rescue Center
After clarifying user needs and information architecture, we set out to create assets for various pages. Below are assets that I contributed. Images used are Creative Commons and were edited in Figma.
Middle stages of design

'Found an Animal' 'Events' and 'Abduction with Intent to Rescue' sections from Wildlife Rescue Center
After designing all pages and assets, we set off to work by prototyping everything in Figma and testing them on prospective users. We were able to discover usability issues and design flaws and fix them from there.
Iteration and Testing
Final stages of design