Water Wellness Center

Conceptual eCommerce Redesign
Project Overview
This project was done as part of my UX/UI Certification from the University of Utah. The current Water Wellness Center website suffers from a lack of easy to access information about services they offer as well as off-putting typography.
My Contributions
I assisted in the creation of the proto-persona, user flows, the color palette, information architecture, affinity diagram, and the wearable design.
Water Wellness Center home page on a laptop.Water Wellness Center products page.
We started with a user persona, then collected data from user and stakeholder interviews. From there we synthesized our data into an affinity map and finally a site map. The key takeaways from interviews was that customers typically want the products they're most likely interested in front and center, with additional info easily accessible.
Researching & defining problems
First steps
Anna Josephson is a water-conscious individual looking for easy to access quality water.A site map of the Water Wellness Center redesign.An affinity diagram for the Water Wellness Center redesign based off user feedback.
After sorting our stakeholder interview and user interview data into an affinity diagram, we concluded that water education needed to be more easily available, the home page needed an overhaul, the review system needed updates, and the navigation bar needed more clarity. We also wanted to make sure the eCommerce aspect of the website was a focal point and had an intuitive design.
Wireframing, testing, prototyping
Next steps
Wireframe redesign of Water Wellness CenterWireframe redesign of Water Wellness CenterWireframe redesign of Water Wellness Center